Friday, September 7, 2012

Student Literacy Survey

In order to gather information about the students in my classroom, I conducted a short survey to collect information about their attitudes toward literacy and their preferred learning styles. I have provided the questions that I asked the students, as well was the average score of answers given. Many of the averages suggest neutral feelings about the statements, however I also have individual data that I have recorded and can look back on throughout the year. Many of the averages were similar between the classes for each of the statements, which helps me to understand the overall group and how I can structure my lessons to accomodate for their preferences and knowledge.

Student Survey:
1-Strongly Disagree
4-Strongly Agree

1. Reading is something I enjoy.
Period 4 - 2.14
Period 5 - 2.15

2. I like to read for fun.

Period 4 - 2.21
Period 5 - 2.38

3. I feel confident in my reading ability.

Period 4 - 2.93
Period 5 - 3.07

4. Reading is not important for math

Period 4 - 2.03
Period 5 - 2.24

5. It is possible to solve any math problem without being able to read.

Period 4 - 2.15
Period 5 - 2.19

6. I learn best by reading information and answering questions.

Period 4 - 2.75
Period 5 - 2.74

7. I learn best by doing and solving (hands-on).

Period 4 - 3.24
Period 5 - 3.31

8. I learn best by seeing and visualizing.

Period 4 - 3.21
Period 5 - 3.12

9. I learn best by listening.

Period 4 - 2.74
Period 5 -2.72

10. I work best in groups.

Period 4 - 3.06
Period 5 - 2.78

11. I work best alone.

Period 4 - 2.44
Period 5 - 2.79

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